NT Opening Auctions Hand Set 9 - 523

NT Opening Auctions Hand Set 9 - 523

3C 5-card Stayman

Here we look at a 3C response to 1NT used as 5-card Stayman. I nice modern addition to your bidding system. This in combination with a 2C Stayman response created an effective system for communication.

NT Opening Auctions Hand Set 8 - 522

NT Opening Auctions Hand Set 8 - 522


When we respond to partner's 1NT opening it is nice to have transfer bids available. Here we look at an upgrade to 4-suited Transfers, called Size Ask, and see how it improves our bidding.

NT Opening Auctions Hand Set 7 - 521

NT Opening Auctions Hand Set 7 - 521

Responder’s 2S Rebid After Stayman

We can use a Stayman response, followed by a 2S rebid to show an invitational hand with length in the majors. But this bidding sequence can be useful with other invitational hands as well. Let’s see how else it can be used.

NT Opening Auctions Hand Set 6 - 520

NT Opening Auctions Hand Set 6 - 520

Opponents Double our Stayman or Transfer Bid

When we open a NT and partner uses an artificial conventional responses, like Stayman or Transfers, then the opponents might double as lead directing. We want to use this double against them. Here we discuss our options for bidding after this double.

NT Opening Auctions Hand Set 5 - 519

NT Opening Auctions Hand Set 5 - 519

Trick Showing Bids: Gambling 3NT and More

Gambling 3NT is a powerful preemptive opening bid that can cause the opponents a lot of difficulty as well as describe our hand to partner in a highly precise way. It is also one way we can show a hand that can take a lot of tricks with a solid suit.

NT Opening Auctions Hand Set 4 - 518

NT Opening Auctions Hand Set 4 - 518

Superaccepting Transfers

When we open the bidding with NT one of partners favorite bidding tools is the Jacoby Transfer. When partner transfers to a major suit and we have an excellent fit we have to decide about super-accepting. Here we look at our options for what to do and how to use our judgment about doing so.

NT Opening Auctions Hand Set 3 - 517

NT Opening Auctions Hand Set 3 - 517

Responding to 2NT with the Minor

Bidding slam is extremely difficult after partner opens the bidding 2NT — much of our valuable bidding space had been taken away. This is especially true when it comes to finding minor suit slams. But we do have some gadgets that are designed to help us do this.

NT Opening Auctions Hand Set 2 - 516

NT Opening Auctions Hand Set 2 - 516

Responding to 2NT with the Majors

When partner opens the bidding 2NT then we have far less space to investigate for a major suit fit. It is important that we make good use of our limited space below 3NT in order to determine if we have a Major suit fit.

NT Opening Auctions Hand Set 1 - 515

NT Opening Auctions Hand Set 1 - 515

Modern 2NT Openings

When we open the bidding with 2NT then if we find a major suit fit ( 4-4, 5-3, or 6-2), we get to declarer this from the hand that opens 2NT — the strong side. That makes it opening 2NT something we should strive to do. The modern style is to stretch to open 2NT, even with many good 19 HCP hands.